War Crimes Trials - Vol. II The Belsen Trial. 'The Trial of Josef Kramer and Forty Four Others'

Appendices (Affidavits & Statements - Kaufmann, Zlata)


2. I recognise Elisabeth Volkenrath, No. 6 on photograph 22, as an S.S. woman who was at Auschwitz. During selections at Auschwitz in the years 1942 and 1943, I have seen her throw women to the ground, throw them against a wall, trample on them, beat them with a stick or rubber truncheon. Many have died as they lay after the beating, and I have seen members of the Leichenkommando collect the bodies. Volkenrath killed many prisoners in my presence by these beatings.

3. Volkenrath at these selections would pick people out herself, though sometimes S.S. men of a higher rank than herself accompanied her. These selections, which were for the gas chamber, sometimes took place two and three times a week. Those selected would be told by Volkenrath to go to Block 25 where all persons destined for the gas chamber were sent. Here they would be kept for two or three days until, say, a thousand persons had been reached. Volkenrath would also be present when the time came for those interned in Block 25 to be loaded on to the lorries for transporting to the gas chamber. It was generally known in the camp that prisoners sent to Block 25 went to the gas chamber. I have seen them transported there myself.

Appendices (Affidavits & Statements - Kaufmann, Zlata)