Hamburg |
After major raids on the nights of 27/28 July and 29/30 July 1943. The devastated shipyard of Stulken Sohn, and other warehouses and storage buildings in the Steinwarder-Waltershof district. Source: Imperial War Museum |
After major raids on the nights of 27/28 July and 29/30 July 1943. Devastation and severe damage to buildings and marshalling yards in the St Georg dockside district. Source: Imperial War Museum |
Severely damaged docks in the Steinwerder district of Hamburg, looking south-west from over the Rive Elbe. The whole area has been devastated as a result of repeated attacks by aircraft of Bomber Command and the USAAF Source: Imperial War Museum |
Ruined residential and commercial buildings in the Eilbek district. These were among the 16,000 multi-storeyed apartment buildings destroyed by the firestorm on the night of 27/28 July 1943 (Operation GOMORRAH). The road running diagonally from left to right in the foreground is Eilbekerweg. Source: Imperial War Museum |
Smoke billows across in front of the badly damaged Rhenania refinery following air raids. In the foreground can be seen a stretch of water, which is covered in oil from the devastated refinery. According to the original caption, the refinery was capable of producing "46,000 tons of refined petroleum products monthly" and had about 1000 workers Source: Imperial War Museum |