Second Belsen Trial Oberscharführer Walter Friedrich Wilhelm Quakernack

Date Of Birth : 09/07/1907
Place Of Birth : Senne, Bielefeld
Died : 11/10/1946
Comments :
Trial : Second Belsen Trial
Trial Location : Celle and Lüneberg 16 May - 30 June 1946
CROWCASS File Number:
300914 / 119398
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Brief History

1931 joined the NSDAP

May 1933 joined the S.S., membership number 125266.

1939 Injured his leg

January 1940 conscripted into the Waffen S.S. as a camp guard with the rank of Unterscharführer

June 1940 served as a secretary in the Political Department at Auschwitz.

Worked as a team leader in the crematorium at Auschwitz and participated in the gassing of Soviet POW's at the end of 1941.

01 September 1942 promoted to Oberscharführer.

15 September 1943 awarded the Kriegsverdienstkreuz Klasse II mit Schwertern.

April 1944 Lauenhütte KZ Auschwitz III Monowitz.

23 January 1945 accompanied a death march of 500 prisoners from Auschwitz to Hannover - Mühlenberg (Hanomag (Hannoversche Maschinenbau AG)/Linden) arriving sometime around 03 February 1945.

08 April 1945 evacuated to Bergen-Belsen with a death march from Hannover - Mühlenberg (Hanomag (Hannoversche Maschinenbau AG)/Linden).

After delivery of the prisoners he left for Hamburg to join a combat unit which was disbanded at Holstein at the end of May 1945

05 July 1945 arrested at Lipperreihe

June 1946 sentenced to death at 2nd Belsen Trial held at Celle and Lüneburg.

11 October 1946 Death sentence carried out.

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