First Belsen Trial Kapo Oscar Schmedidzt/Schmitz

Date Of Birth : 23/02/1916
Place Of Birth : Köln
Position Within Bergen-Belsen : Lagerältester Camp 2
Comments :
Trial : First Belsen Trial
Trial Location : 30 Lindenstraße, Lüneburg 17 September - 17 November 1945
Trial Defendent Number : 14
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Brief History

1933 studying engineering.

May 1934 completed his studies.

1934 dismissed from his employment for not belonging to any Party organisation.

27 November 1934 arrested for theft and sent to prison.

03 December 1935 released from prison.

1936 conscripted into the Arbeitsdienst.

October 1936 imprisoned for vehicle theft.

04 August 1939 released from prison.

Employed at the Diamler Benz Mercedes factory in Köln.

December 1939 received conscription orders to report for duty 08 December 1939. He ignored these orders an went to Vienna.

26 January 1940 arrested and sent to a deserters camp in Emsland.

March 1944 evacuated due to outbreak of disease and taken to the Gestapo in Vienna.

May 1944 transferred to Mauthausen.

June 1944 transferred to the Hermann Göring Factory at Linz.

25 July wounded during an air raid on the Hermann Göring Factory.

Recovered in hospital then transferred back to Mauthausen.

November 1944 transferred to Auschwitz.

January 1945 evacuated to Dora-Mittelbau.

March 1945 transferred to Tettenborn.

5 April evacuated from Tettenborn.

Arrived at Neuengamme with a transport by train and entry was refused into the KZ

10 April 1945 arrived Bergen-Belsen (now Bergen-Hohne) Barracks.

Transferred to Celle prison 28 April 1945

15 May 1945 transferred to hospital suffering from Typhus.

17 September 1945. Stands trial at the 'Trial of Josef Kramer and Forty Four others' at 30 Lindenstraße, Lüneburg. Charged with Count 1.

17 November 1945. Acquitted at the trial.

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