Entered the KZ system in the summer of 1934 at the latest as a convicted criminal wearing the green triangle. KZ Lichtenburg 20 May 1940 The first Lagerältester Stammlager Auschwitz carrying the Prisoner number of 1 After December 1942/January 1943 Lagerältester Zigeunerlager Auschwitz June 1943 Lagerältester KZ Auschwitz Neu-Dachs April 1944 Außenlager Eintrachthütte. September 1944 Außenlager Bismarckhütte After the evacuation of Auschwitz in January 1945 transferred to KZ-Außenlager Woffleben as Lagerältesten Transferred to Bergen Belsen Camp II where he was probably lynched by fellow prisoners on the 15th or 16th April 1945. Can you help? Please contact me with any information you may have. |